DAY 02 - YOUR LEAST FAVORITE SONG - A-Tyyppi ja Antero Mertaranta: Ihanaa Leijonat, ihanaa
I couldn't figure out this one at first, but just a quick glance at my little brother's Spotify account and I found way too many candidates for my least favorite. But they weren't quite horrible enough. That's when I started to think what he used to listen to a couple years ago and came up with this one. Lovely indeed.
Inspired by Moona, I'll do this music day thing BUT with a picture. To improve my post frequency and quality... So, here we go! DAY 01 - YOUR FAVORITE SONG - Nirvana: Come As You Are (Unplugged in New York)
I'd describe a favorite song as something you can listen over and over again and never get tired of it. Repeat-proof, I'd say.